
Friday, May 10, 2019

Oracle Database: Recommended RPM's except the default ones

In this blog I list RPM's which I always recommend on a Linux installation additional to what Oracle mandates. 

these RPM's are helpful on operational purposes and are required by DBAs and sys-admins when they are doing debugging of an issue. 

So below is the list which I do -
1. psmisc
2. bc
3. unzip
4. zip
5. bind-utils 
6. iotop
7. traceroute
8. tcpdump
9. strace
10. lsof 
11. sysstat
12. procps-ng
13. net-tools
14. iptraf-ng

to install (if you have yum confiugred)

yum install psmisc bc unzip zip bind-utils iotop traceroute tcpdump strace lsof sysstat procps-ng net-tools -y

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