In this blog I discuss most commonly used Yarn commands
1. yarn top
List applications such as top in Linux
2. yarn application -list
List all applications runnin in the cluster.
3. yarn application -list -appStates running
List application whose state is running
4. yarn application -list -applStates FAILED
List appilications whose state is failed
5. yarn application -status <application ID>
List application details by Application
6. yarn application -kill <application_ID>
Kill application by application ID
7. yarn node -all -list
Check status of all yarn nodes in the yarncluster.
8. yarn queue -status <queue_name>
Status of queue running in the cluster
1. yarn top
List applications such as top in Linux
2. yarn application -list
List all applications runnin in the cluster.
3. yarn application -list -appStates running
List application whose state is running
4. yarn application -list -applStates FAILED
List appilications whose state is failed
5. yarn application -status <application ID>
List application details by Application
6. yarn application -kill <application_ID>
Kill application by application ID
7. yarn node -all -list
Check status of all yarn nodes in the yarncluster.
8. yarn queue -status <queue_name>
Status of queue running in the cluster
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