
Saturday, October 17, 2015

12c - Histogram-Buckets Increased in


Oracle significantly increased the number of histogram buckets in 12c to 2048, that is an increase by 8 folds.

In this blog, let's just prove that - 

I will use max_histogram table and insert 2048 rows into it

SQL> create table max_histograms (id number, v_number number);

Table created.

Let's now insert 2048 rows into it 

SQL>  begin
  for i in 1..2048
  insert into max_histograms values (1,i);
  end loop;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

now let's gather stats with 2048 as the bucket size 

SQL> exec DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS('SCOTT','MAX_HISTOGRAMS', method_opt => 'FOR COLUMNS v_number size 2048');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Wow!, it captured with bucket size 2048 (try it in 11g)
Now let's prove it

SQL> select count(*), max(endpoint_value), min(endpoint_value) 
from dba_histograms
where owner = 'SCOTT' and table_name = 'MAX_HISTOGRAMS';  

---------- ------------------- -------------------
      2048  2048 1

if you want to see all the buckets individually and their values you can use the below query

select owner, table_name, column_name, column_name, endpoint_value, endpoint_repeat_count
from dba_histograms
where owner = 'SCOTT' and table_name = 'MAX_HISTOGRAMS'
order by 1,5;

Note - I have removed sql prompts at places so that it is easy in case you want to just copy/paste to see this in your machine.

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