
Friday, November 29, 2019

Oracle Database 18c: Installing Latest RU (

In this quick blog I am going to discuss on how to apply the Release Update ( to Database Home. 

You should 

Download the Patches First (p30112122 and Latest Opatch 6880880)

wget '' --http-user=<MOS Username> --http-password=<MOS_Password> --no-check-certificate
$ wget '' --http-user=<MOS Username> --http-password=<MOS_Password> --no-check-certificate

Next Unzip OPatch
$ mv OPatch OPatch_29112019

$ unzip -qq /u01/Patch/

Pre-req Check
unzip -qq
$ cd 30112122

opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -ph ./

Patch Apply

unzip -qq
cd 30112122
opatch apply

Data Patch Apply (Post Patch)
./datapatch -verbose
sqlplus / as sysdba

Catalog Upgrade (Post Patch)
rman catalog username/password@alias
uprade catalog;
upgrade catalog;

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

OEM 13cR3: Install Agent Using Silent Method

In this blog I am going to cover method of installing OEM agent using the silent method. 
There are 2 silent methods, but, the one which prefer is the AgentPull method. 

This can be useful specially in cases when you do not have password to oracle user and you use sudo to access it, but still want to do the installation. 

So, here is how it goes 

Step 1 : 
Download the agent Image (For Linux / Unix)

$ wget https://<hostname:port of oms>/em/install/getAgentImage --no-check-certificate
$ mv getAgentImage
$ chmod u+x

Step 2 :
Verify your required platform is present or not
$ ./ -showPlatforms

Step 3 :
Create rsp file with name
PLATFORM="Linux x86-64"

Step 4 : 
Install the agent
$ /tmp/ RSPFILE_LOC=/tmp/ AGENT_BASE_DIR=/u01/app/oracle/agent

(Log files removed for brevity)

And once it goes on the installation will complete.
Next you can go to OEM console and Add targets

Monday, November 25, 2019

OEM 13cR3: Plugin Update on OMS : OFFLINE

Following up with my previous blog, where I showed on how to apply an OEM Plugin to OMS using the ONLINE method, now I will show the method of using the Online method. 

The offline method is followed in most of the environments due to security and firewall restrictions.

So, how to do ?
Step 1 
Go To Setup --> Extensibility --> Self Update

Step 2 
Click on Plugins and Search for your plugin ( I am doing the same good old Oracle Database too in the offline method)

Step 3
Select Plugin and Click on Download. You will be presented with set of instructions which will tell you to download the plugin

You can use wget to download the plugin this way 
$ wget ‘’ --http-user=<MOS_Username> --http-password=<MOS_Password>--no-check-certificate

Once you are done with your download, then as the process states, you need to import it 

$ ./emcli import_update -omslocal -file=/u01/Template/

Processing update: Plug-in - Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database provides comprehensive management for Oracle Database and related targets such as Real Application Cluster, Automatic Storage Management (ASM) etc.

Successfully uploaded the update to Enterprise Manager. Use the Self Update Console to manage this update.

Now, you are done with the process of doing the import - The update will be visible in the OEM console, all you need now is to apply it.
From this step it is similar to what we did in ONLINE mode. 

You can follow my blog here for the complete process
You need to start from the step where you need to deploy the plugin on OMS Server. 
The step with text (Next Go To Setup --> Extensibility --> Plug-ins)

And you are done applying a Plugin in the OFFLINE way. 

OEM 13cR3: Plugin Update on OMS : ONLINE

Now, in this blog I start with Plugin Update on OMS - but in Online manner
(Remember 2 steps for Online,Enable Online in Setup --> Provisioning & Patching --> Offline and set the credentials in Setup --> My Oracle Support --> Set Credentials)

So, now that you are ready 
Step 1 is to go to our good old page  Setup --> Extensibility --> Self Update  

(I will do my favourite here Oracle Database Plugin)
Select Plugins and Search for Oracle Database.

Select the "Available" Plugin and Click Download. 

Select Immediate

Click on Job Details and (Navigate to Job Details) Use  Refresh till the job completes

TIP: you can see the directory where it is downloading the patch. You can navigate to the directory and see the patch number if you want (nerds)

Next Go To Setup --> Extensibility --> Plug-ins 
Select the Plugin and Click Deploy on "Management Servers"

Click Next (Ensure you do the Pre-req check every-time - Best Practice)

Wait for the Pre-req to complete. 
If it fails one of the reasons might be 
EM13c : Plug-in Deployment Failed at "Install Software" Prerequisite Step (Doc ID 2455748.1)

Click Next and Enter the sys Credentials
You must ensure backup of DB and EM has been taken as specified

Click Next (OMS will go down in installation)

Now Monitor on the host using 

$ emctl status oms -details (emctl of MW Home)

Wait Till Completion depending on size the time varies - this one generally completes within 10-15 minutes.

One of the ways to grep for Status is to use a small script like this  - 

echo $PWD | emctl status oms -details | egrep 'Success|Running|Step'

And you will get output like this 
Step                                     Start Time                End Time                  Status
Submit job for deployment                11/25/19 9:29:35 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:29:35 AM UTC   Success
Initialize                               11/25/19 9:29:37 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:29:42 AM UTC   Success
Install software                         11/25/19 9:29:42 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:29:43 AM UTC   Success
Validate plug-in home                    11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   Success
Perform custom preconfiguration          11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   Success
Check mandatory patches                  11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   Success
Generate metadata SQL                    11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   Success
Preconfigure Management Repository       11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   Success
Preregister DLF                          11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:29:45 AM UTC   Success
Stop management server                   11/25/19 9:29:46 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:31:27 AM UTC   Success
Register DLF                             11/25/19 9:31:27 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:33:40 AM UTC   Success
Configure Management Repository          11/25/19 9:31:27 AM UTC   N/A                       Running
Configure middle tier                    11/25/19 9:31:27 AM UTC   11/25/19 9:34:52 AM UTC   Success

The last step generally is to Start OMS and Recover Middle Tier, OMS will come back up and you will have your OMS Plugin version update.

You can verify either from console or like this
$ emcli login -username=sysman
$ emcli sync
$ emcli list_plugins_on_server 

OMS name is vineet-sandbox:4889_Management_Service
Plug-in Name                                 Plugin-id                     Version [revision]
Oracle Database                              oracle.sysman.db    

DevOps: GIT - How to Sync Fork with Master or Pull Upstream

In this blog I am going to discuss about how to Sync your forked branch to the master branch. 
If you have followed my previous blog on Fork Workflow  then this blog is (somewhat) a continuation of that blog. 

Now if you have performed your steps properly then 

Check if you added upstream
$ git remote -v

If you have then good, else refer my previous blog. 

Update with master

$ git pull upstream master

That's it your fork is synced with master fork.

In case you want to break it down into multiple steps, you can use below

Friday, November 22, 2019

OEM 13cR3: OEM Catalog Updation OFFLINE

In almost every environment the outside world access is restricted. 
So, in that case what do you do if you want to upload the OEM Catalog.

You follow the offline way. (Remember in Provisioning and Patching you must set the mode to offline)

Go to Setup --> Extensibility --> Self Update 

Then click on the Check Updates Button

And viola you get your steps on what needs to be done. 

So, I download the file on my server
and you can download like this

$ wget --http-user=MOS_USERNAME --http-password=MOS_PASS --no-check-certificate

Next is simple just impor the file directly into your Database using emcli 

$ ./emcli login -username=sysman

./emcli sync
./emcli import_update_catalog -file=/u01/Templates/ -omslocal

And after about 2 minutes it should be over, you should have now refreshed your Catalog Updation. 

The log is below for your nerdy reference and comparison 

Processing catalog for Agent Software
Processing catalog for Middleware Profiles and Gold Images
Processing catalog for Data Masking and Subsetting templates
Processing catalog for Extensibility Development Kit
Processing catalog for Plug-in
Processing catalog for Management Connector
Processing catalog for Compliance Content
Processing catalog for Informational
Processing catalog for Provisioning Bundle
Processing catalog for Event Monitoring Service
Processing catalog for ORAchk Metadata
Processing catalog for Diagnostic Tools

Successfully uploaded the Self Update catalog to Enterprise Manager. Use the Self Update Console to view and manage updates.
Time taken for import catalog is 29.921 seconds.

OEM 13cR3: OEM Catalog Updation ONLINE

In this blog I am going to go over the steps where we will be updating the OEM Catalog in Online Mode. 

Online Mode requires you to have your MOS credentials to be put in the OEM console and then you can do the updates by yourself. 

Step 1: Set the credentials 

Go to Setup --> Provisioning and Patching --> Offline Patching
Set the Mode to Online 

Next Go To Setup --> My Oracle Support --> Set Credentials
Set your Oracle Support Credentials
When you do that you should see something like this  and it will automatically Update your Catalog and OPatch.

Else you will have to do it manually. 

If tomorrow after few months you have to do it by yourself then 
Next Go To Setup --> Extensibility --> Self Update 

Once in the Self Update Page -

Click on Self Update and it will do the self update (You can see the details of Job by click on the the Job details button)

Once the jobs will succeed your Catalog will be auto refreshed. 

OEM 13cR3 - How to change Password from Weblogic Admin Console

If you really are a nerd and you want to change the password from Admin console of sysman, then there is indeed a way. 

Login to -> Weblogic Admin console (Generally https://<hostname>:7102

The username is default to weblogic (if you did not change it at installation) and the password what you would have set during installation in the UI or in the response file. 

Once you login it will look something like this - 

You have to next click on Lock & Edit
Then on DataSources (highlighted in the Image with blue)
You will see a bunch of data sources (on the right center to bottom)
Click on each data source and then click on Connection Pool -> Change password for each as you want. 

Finally click on Release Configuration. and you are done. 
Must Note - you will have to set the password in the database for sysman, sysman_mds, sysman_opss  manually 

OEM 13cR3 - Changing OMS Password (Connection to the repository failed)

Let's say one good day you are trying to restart and OMS and you find this as your error 

Oracle Management Server is not functioning because of the following reason:
Connection to the repository failed. Verify that the repository connection information provided is correct.

Check EM Server log file for details: /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/gc_inst/user_projects/domains/GCDomain/servers/EMGC_OMS1/logs/EMGC_OMS1.out

And in the EMGC_OMS1.out you will see something like this - 

Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Now what do you do ? 
Simple change the password to your repo 

How ?  Run Below

$ /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/bin/emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd -use_sys_pwd -sys_pwd oracle -new_pwd oracle123

-sys_pwd is followed by existing sysdba password
-new_pwd is followed by new sysman password 

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 3
Copyright (c) 1996, 2018 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Changing passwords in backend ...
Passwords changed in backend successfully.
Updating repository password in Credential Store...
Successfully updated Repository password in Credential Store.
Restart all the OMSs using 'emctl stop oms -all' and 'emctl start oms'.

Successfully changed repository password.

Next as the steps say - and start your OMS
$ emctl stop oms -all
$ emctl start oms 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

OEM 13cR3 - Silent Installation with DB 18c Templates - Part 2

In this part of the Blog I will be doing the silent install of 13cR3 OEM.
You can refer to the first part of the blog here

Silent installation requires you to update response file which will be used for installation.

List of parameters used in this silent install are listed in the end of the blog.
OEM Software can be downloaded from

[As root]
mkdir /u01/scratch_oms_install # this directory / mount should have atleast 15241 MB free for temporary files location
chown oracle:dba /u01/scratch_oms_install

[As Oracle]
Make the directories

$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware 
$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/agent/agent13cr3 
$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/gc_inst 
$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/swlib 
$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/bip/config 
$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/bip/cluster

$ chmod u+x em13300_linux64.bin

$ ./em13300_linux64.bin -silent -responseFile /u01/OEM/new_install.rsp | tee  /tmp/OMSInstall.out &

OEM Installation will take from 2-4 hours depending on how fast your disk and database is. But yes, you will save quite a lot of time because there is no Repository to be configured.

It should stop at this step for a while and then complete. This means that the repository is found out of the box and no need to install the OEM repository. 

2019-11-21_11-42-57AM: Configuration Assistant "Repository Out Of Box Configuration" is in progress.

 [Output Truncated - See End of Blog for complete Output]

450 2019-11-21_01-38-15PM: Configuration Assistant "Agent Configuration Assistant" has Succeeded.
    452 *** The Installation was Successful. ***
    455 This information is also available at:
    457         /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/install/setupinfo.txt
    459 See the following for information pertaining to your Enterprise Manager installation:
    462 Use the following URL to access:
    464         1. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control URL: https://my-sandbox:7803/em
    465         2. Admin Server URL: https://my-sandbox:7102/console
    466         3. BI Publisher URL: https://my-sandbox:9803/xmlpserver/servlet/home
    468 The following details need to be provided while installing an additional OMS:
    470         1. Admin Server Host Name: my-sandbox
    471         2. Admin Server Port: 7102
    473 You can find the details on ports used by this deployment at : /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/install/portlist.ini
    476  NOTE:
    477  An encryption key has been generated to encrypt sensitive data in the Management Repository. If this key is lost, all encrypted data in     477 the Repository becomes unusable.
    479  A backup of the OMS configuration is available in /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/backup on host vineet-sandbox. See    479  Cloud Control Administrators Guide for details on how to back up and recover an OMS.
    481  NOTE: This backup is valid only for the initial OMS configuration. For example, it will not reflect plug-ins installed later, topology c    481 hanges like the addition of a load balancer, or changes to other properties made using emctl or emcli. Backups should be created on a reg    481 ular basis to ensure they capture the current OMS configuration. Use the following command to backup the OMS configuration:
    482 /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/bin/emctl exportconfig oms -dir <backup dir>
    484 Prompt for the
    486 Warning: You must run the following configuration scripts as the "root" user.
    487   /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/
    488 To execute the configuration scripts:
    489  1. Open a new  terminal window.
    490  2. Login in as "root".
    491  3. Run the scripts.
    493 Successfully installed Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.     494 Logs successfully copied to /u01/app/oraInventory/logs.

You will be asked to run the Allroot script in the end

$ /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/

Starting to execute .........

Starting to execute /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/ ......
/etc exist

Creating /etc/oragchomelist file...
Finished product-specific root actions.
/etc exist
Finished execution of  /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/ ......

Starting to execute /u01/app/oracle/agent/agent13cr3/agent_13. ......
Finished product-specific root actions.
/etc exist
Finished execution of  /u01/app/oracle/agent/agent13cr3/agent_13. ......

Response File 

In order to generate a sample Response file you can follow 

$ ./em13300_<platform>.bin -getResponseFileTemplates -outputLoc <absolute_path_to_a_directory_to_store_the_generated_response_file>

Parameters Details Reference

Complete Log File
Launcher log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/launcher2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log.
Starting Oracle Universal Installer

Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz.   Actual 2199.868 MHz    Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 512 MB.   Actual 16383 MB    Passed
Checking if this platform requires a 64-bit JVM.   Actual 64    Passed (64-bit not required)

Preparing to launch the Oracle Universal Installer from /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM
====Prereq Config Location main===
EMGCInstaller args -scratchPath
EMGCInstaller args /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM
EMGCInstaller args -sourceType
EMGCInstaller args network
EMGCInstaller args -timestamp
EMGCInstaller args 2019-11-21_11-29-41AM
EMGCInstaller args -paramFile
EMGCInstaller args /u01/scratch_oms_install/sfx_2kplI5/Disk1/install/linux64/oraparam.ini
EMGCInstaller args -silent
EMGCInstaller args -responseFile
EMGCInstaller args /u01/OEM/new_install.rsp
EMGCInstaller args -nocleanUpOnExit
DiskLoc inside SourceLoc/u01/OEM
ScratchPathValue :/u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM
ORACLE_HOSTNAME=vineet-sandbox: Oracle recommends a fully qualified domain name instead of a short name for the host name.

EMGCInstallUpdatesInfoOnNext:: calling actionOnClickofNext
Now in EMGCInstallUpdatesInfoOnNext.actionsOnClickofNext
EMGCInstallUpdatesInfoOnNext:: End of actionOnClickofNext
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log
Installation in progress

Install successful
Linking in progress

Link successful
Setup in progress

Setup successful
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log
Installation in progress

Install successful
Linking in progress

Link successful
Setup in progress

Setup successful
Agent OracleHome :/u01/app/oracle/agent/agent13cr3/agent_13.
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:34:09 AM UTC)
                              98% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:34:10 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:34:10 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:34:10 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:34:12 AM UTC)
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

...............................................................  15% Done.
...............................................................  30% Done.
...............................................................  46% Done.
...............................................................  61% Done.
...............................................................  77% Done.
...............................................................  92% Done.
Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:35:29 AM UTC)
                                         98% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:35:30 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:35:30 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:35:30 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:35:32 AM UTC)
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:35:40 AM UTC)
                              98% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:35:41 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:35:41 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:35:41 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:35:42 AM UTC)
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

...............................................................  17% Done.
...............................................................  34% Done.
...............................................................  51% Done.
...............................................................  68% Done.
...............................................................  85% Done.
Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:36 AM UTC)
                 98% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:36 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:36 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:36 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:38 AM UTC)
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:50 AM UTC)
                              98% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:50 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:50 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:50 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:52 AM UTC)
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:55 AM UTC)
                              98% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:56 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:56 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:56 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:36:57 AM UTC)
&Decline License Agreement/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/sysman/install/plugins/oracle.sysman.emas/
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:00 AM UTC)
                              98% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:00 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:00 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:00 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:02 AM UTC)
&Decline License Agreement/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/sysman/install/plugins/oracle.sysman.emrep/
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:03 AM UTC)
                                           85% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:03 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:03 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:03 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:05 AM UTC)
&Decline License Agreement/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/sysman/install/plugins/oracle.sysman.beacon/
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:08 AM UTC)
                              98% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:08 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:08 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:08 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:10 AM UTC)
&Decline License Agreement/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/sysman/install/plugins/oracle.sysman.oh/
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:11 AM UTC)
                                96% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:11 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:11 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:11 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:12 AM UTC)
&Decline License Agreement/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/sysman/install/plugins/oracle.sysman.csa/
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:14 AM UTC)
                                                        72% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:14 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:14 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:14 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:15 AM UTC)
&Decline License Agreement/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/sysman/install/plugins/oracle.sysman.oh/
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:16 AM UTC)
                                                  78% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:16 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:16 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:16 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:18 AM UTC)
&Decline License Agreement/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/sysman/install/plugins/oracle.sysman.xa/
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:19 AM UTC)
                                              82% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:19 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:19 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:19 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:20 AM UTC)
&Decline License Agreement/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/sysman/install/plugins/
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:21 AM UTC)
                                                    76% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:22 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:22 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:22 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:23 AM UTC)
&Decline License Agreement/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/sysman/install/plugins/oracle.sysman.csa/
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:24 AM UTC)
                                  94% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:24 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:24 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:24 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:26 AM UTC)
&Decline License Agreement/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/sysman/install/plugins/oracle.sysman.emas/
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:27 AM UTC)
                              98% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:27 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:27 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:27 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:28 AM UTC)
&Decline License Agreement/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/sysman/install/plugins/oracle.sysman.db/
Session log file is /u01/scratch_oms_install/OraInstall2019-11-21_11-29-41AM/install2019-11-21_11-29-41AM.log

Installation in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:29 AM UTC)
                                     91% Done.
Install successful

Linking in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:30 AM UTC)
Link successful

Setup in progress (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:30 AM UTC)
Setup successful

Saving inventory (Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:30 AM UTC)
Saving inventory complete

End of install phases.(Thursday, November 21, 2019 11:37:31 AM UTC)
OMS OracleHome :/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware
13NGCHEKAGGREGATE  : OuiConfigVariables
13NGCHEKAGGREGATE  : OuiConfigVariables
13NGCHEKAGGREGATE  : encap_oms
2019-11-21_11-42-38AM: Configuration Assistant "Plugins Prerequisites Check" is in progress.

2019-11-21_11-42-57AM: Configuration Assistant "Plugins Prerequisites Check" has Succeeded.

2019-11-21_11-42-57AM: Configuration Assistant "Repository Out Of Box Configuration" is in progress.

Setting the value of EMPREREQKIT_RESULTDIR /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/.gcinstall_temp
2019-11-21_12-41-49PM: Configuration Assistant "Repository Out Of Box Configuration" has Succeeded.

2019-11-21_12-41-49PM: Configuration Assistant "OMS Configuration" is in progress.

 Executing the OMSCA command...

 Check the log files of the OMS Configuration Assistant at: /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omsca

 OMS Configuration Assistant completed successfully.

2019-11-21_12-51-27PM: Configuration Assistant "OMS Configuration" has Succeeded.

2019-11-21_12-51-27PM: Configuration Assistant "Plugins Deployment and Configuration" is in progress.

2019-11-21_01-22-51PM: Configuration Assistant "Plugins Deployment and Configuration" has Succeeded.

2019-11-21_01-22-51PM: Configuration Assistant "BI Publisher Configuration" is in progress.

2019-11-21_01-30-26PM: Configuration Assistant "BI Publisher Configuration" has Succeeded.

2019-11-21_01-30-26PM: Configuration Assistant "Start Oracle Management Service" is in progress.

Starting OMS ...
Executing the command: /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/bin/emctl start oms

Starting of OMS is successful.
Starting export oms config...
Executing command: /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/bin/emctl exportconfig oms -dir  /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/backup

Export config of OMS is successful.

2019-11-21_01-35-24PM: Configuration Assistant "Start Oracle Management Service" has Succeeded.

2019-11-21_01-35-24PM: Configuration Assistant "Agent Configuration Assistant" is in progress.

AgentConfiguration:agent configuration has been started

The AgentFreshInstaller is starting now
Oraclehome : ../u01/app/oracle/agent/agent13cr3/agent_13.
InstanceHome : /u01/app/oracle/agent/agent13cr3/agent_inst
Agent Base Directory : /u01/app/oracle/agent/agent13cr3
The oraclehome /u01/app/oracle/agent/agent13cr3/agent_13.
startAgent is:true
seci is :true
startAgent is:true
seci is :true
log loction is setlog
Creating log directoyr :/u01/app/oracle/agent/agent13cr3/agent_13.
Writing the following contents into /u01/app/oracle/agent/agent13cr3/agent_13.
Both /etc/oragchomelist and /var/opt/oracle/oragchomelist does not exist.
Agent Home is : {0}
The value of chainInstall : true forceConfigure : false skipValidation : false
Validated the oms host and port :- vineet-sandbox----4903
Logs Location is : {0}
Getting Inet Addresses for host vineet-sandbox
** Agent Port Check completed successfully.**
Validated the agent port :- ----3872
Executing command: {0}
shared agent value is :false

Setting system property CUSTOM_INVENTORY to {0}
chain install is :true

Cloning of agent home completed successfully
Agent Configuration completed successfully
The following configuration scripts need to be executed as the "root" user. Root script to run : /u01/app/oracle/agent/agent13cr3/agent_13.
AgentConfiguration:agent configuration finished with status = true

2019-11-21_01-38-15PM: Configuration Assistant "Agent Configuration Assistant" has Succeeded.

*** The Installation was Successful. ***

This information is also available at:


See the following for information pertaining to your Enterprise Manager installation:

Use the following URL to access:

1. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control URL: https://vineet-sandbox:7803/em
2. Admin Server URL: https://vineet-sandbox:7102/console
3. BI Publisher URL: https://vineet-sandbox:9803/xmlpserver/servlet/home

The following details need to be provided while installing an additional OMS:

1. Admin Server Host Name: vineet-sandbox
2. Admin Server Port: 7102

You can find the details on ports used by this deployment at : /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/install/portlist.ini

 An encryption key has been generated to encrypt sensitive data in the Management Repository. If this key is lost, all encrypted data in the Repository becomes unusable.

 A backup of the OMS configuration is available in /u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/backup on host vineet-sandbox. See Cloud Control Administrators Guide for details on how to back up and recover an OMS.
 NOTE: This backup is valid only for the initial OMS configuration. For example, it will not reflect plug-ins installed later, topology changes like the addition of a load balancer, or changes to other properties made using emctl or emcli. Backups should be created on a regular basis to ensure they capture the current OMS configuration. Use the following command to backup the OMS configuration:
/u01/app/oracle/em13cr3/middleware/bin/emctl exportconfig oms -dir <backup dir>

Prompt for the

Warning: You must run the following configuration scripts as the "root" user.
To execute the configuration scripts:
 1. Open a new  terminal window.
 2. Login in as "root".
 3. Run the scripts.

Successfully installed Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

Logs successfully copied to /u01/app/oraInventory/logs.